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Yazarın fotoğrafıÖzge Kırmızı


In the 19th century, when the immovable properties fell into the hands of the people and reflected the anger of the people to the values of that time in the immovable structures, many buildings were destroyed, but as the atmosphere of anger started to decrease, this anger of the people disappeared and their perspective changed. In time, the medieval art started to be researched and repairs were started with the individual decisions of the experts of the time.

Le Duc who wants to prevent this; the recreation is not as the preservation, repair or reconstruction of the monument, he said, "The person who performs the restoration should replace himself with the architect of the monument and define the building with the style unity of his times.

This is called stylistic recomoposition, although it seems to be destructive, the defense of the structure of Duc's principles before the restoration of the structure before and after the restoration and defending the restoration works without research and planning will actually show its sensitivity towards protection.

But in response to some controversial restoration works that emerged in the following years, Ruskin opposed restoration. In the following years, the concept of historical restoration emerged on the self-centeredness of the stylistic composition and its inertia in the romantic view.

The style that the building was restored as a result of researches that accepted the historical restoration building as a historical document. However, due to the insufficient resources at that time, it was not fully successful.

With the reconciliation of all these understandings with Contemporary Theory, new theories and conservation principles have started to develop. European Cities, which were damaged by the end of the 2nd world war, focused on restoration works in order to preserve or erase the memory of the war.

As a result, societies may reflect their identities to the extent that they can preserve their historical and cultural values and combine these values with today's lifestyle. We can protect a value that affects the memory of that society, sometimes by doing it again, sometimes by leaving it as it is or by destroying it to forget it.

2015 Aspendos Ancient Theater

In order to protect the old material in the building, the old stones were preserved and renewed. However, since it is a building used and there is a danger of damaging the entire ground (rainwater and durability), the missing stone parts have been renewed. Even if the shapes of the newly added stones are investigated and shaped according to the original, they are a new material, but also interfere with the structure, but they are made to prevent cracks and voids from damaging the main structure and foundation. If only romance or stylistic recomposition or historical view was made, the structure would be damaged to a great extent, or most of the parts in it would have appeared today.

But today it is a historical structure that we can experience actively (theater, concert). In addition, the fact that the building can be actively experienced is an important factor in preserving the value of the building.In my opinion, with this intervention, the function of the building is preserved.


1. Bilici,O(2017)Aspendosun Restorasyon Çalışmaları

Restoration of the historical Genoese Castle 2016 (FOÇA)

The building has been subjected to many erroneous restoration interventions in the past, mortars have been melted due to the use of cement, but it started to be excavated for a new restoration work in 2015. In this restoration, all the demolitions that the building may have suffered in the past and the changes made to the building in the past have been placed in a chronological order.

Changes made in each period were made using the mortars and original stones of that period. In addition, the areas where they do not have information about the original form of the building were left unfinished. With these features, it reminds the modern restoration theory. After the first case in the restoration amendments have been accepted as part of the castle and protected same time manufacturing in the structure while new technologies replace the old art and make the mortar breaks down the chemistry of the cement usage in Turkey in front of be like the other examples geçilmiş .yap history preserved as a document


1. Taşcı, B., & Akyüz Levi, E. (2018). Kent içi arkeolojik alanlarda katmanlaşmanın analizi ve koruma sorunları: Foça örneği.

2. Elif Tuğba Gürkan Yılmaz (2014),Restorasyon Böyle Yapılır.(

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